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Road Rules of Dating

by Free Okcupid

Call me old fashioned, but even after divorce there are still some road rules for divorce that should be followed.  Now, I am not saying that my rules are for everyone, and they are certainly not set in stone, but just generalities that make sense in this post divorce world we all live in.


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Whether you choose to follow them or not, here are my road rules of dating.

For the men out there:

  1.     Always open doors for the women and please walk behind them when entering into a room and not in front of them!
  2.     When ordering at a restaurant, coffee shop or bar let the women order first, you will still get all of your food as well, and it is greatly appreciated.
  3.     When we meet for the first time, walk us to our car, and then give us a hug, kiss on the cheek or hand shake.  Don’t try to shove your tongues down our throats.
  4.     Don’t push us before we are ready!  We will let you know if we want the date to go further, or if we are comfortable letting you pick us up or inside our houses.
  5.     Unless we ask, don’t order our meals or drinks for us.  We can speak for ourselves and maybe we don’t like what you like.
  6.     Don’t answer your cell phone or text unless it is with your children.
  7.     We find it endearing to see pictures of your children; we don’t find it endearing to see pictures of you and your ex.
  8.     Don’t tell us your financial situation on the first date.  We don’t want to know how much child support or alimony you are paying and why you resent it.
  9.     Don’t tell us about your failed dates.
  10. Compliments go a long way…if they are sincere, and we can tell when you aren’t sincere.

For the women out there:

  1.      Offer to pay for half the check, especially if you made the contact.  If the date says he’s got it, then let him pay for it!
  2.     Don’t talk about your ex and what a schmuck he is.  Save it for your girlfriends or your mother.
  3.     Talking about your kids is fine, but don’t make it the entire conversation.  Show your date that you have a life beyond your kids.
  4.     Always say thank you, even if you had a miserable time.  It’s the polite thing to do!
  5.     Never text or answer your cell phone unless it is from your children.
  6.     Ask pertinent questions and listen to the answers, it lends itself to more conversation.
  7.     Don’t get drunk!  One drink or glass of wine if fine to help with the nerves, but sloppy drunk on a first date is just not in good taste.
  8.     Don’t stalk.  It is okay to send a thank you text or email or even leave a voicemail, but you will know if they are interested because they will tell you.
  9.     Don’t talk about your other dates.  It’s a turn off and no one wants to compete.
  10. Be honest about what you are looking for.  Honesty goes a long way, and that means meeting your kids and picking you up at your house.

Of course, the above lists can be interchangeable.  So, take them for what they are worth, and when you go out on that first date from the person you meet on Craigslist, think about how you are going to act and what you are going to talk about, and most importantly, have fun.


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